WHo Is Lindsy?

As long as I can remember I've been documenting the world around me. I absolutely love playing with kids and chatting to people, which made my choice to pursue photography a no brainer - when I actually realised it! I actually began studying architecture! I wasn't too keen on advanced mathematics, but I persevered. It wasn't until I made a visit to Philadelphia (yes, in the USA - I'm American, get to that later!) and I was photographing buildings for an architectural final that I thought I would enrol in a photo class. I ended up changing majors and graduated University in 2005. Throughout my career I've been mentored and worked alongside amazing photographers, artists, researchers and philanthropists. I'm forever inspired from the work people do in making the world a better place, even if it's for one person.

Photographing families and children brings me so much joy. I love getting down and playing with the kiddos and gaining their trust before beginning a photo session. (I've been known to be covered in mud or cake by the end of the experience!) I won't hesitate to pick on Mum's, Dad's, older siblings, even grandparents if it seems appropriate! Nothing is off limits for a fun and enjoyable session!

I'm originally from New Jersey, where the summers were spent soaking up the sun and the fall was spent hiking in beautiful foliage. I met my best pal when he visited from Scotland and fast forward fifteen years we are permanently just outside of Glasgow. We bought the house and had the kid and we're not moving, at least for a long while! We have an amazing little guy and a bouncy old lady pup, who keep us on our toes. It's a fun life and I wouldn't trade it for anything!

Now that you know a bit about me, why don't you send a message and we can get to know each other even better!

Let's chat about how we can create beautiful artwork of your family!

email: info@lkiely.com, mobile: 07596 557315, location: Carmunnock, G76 9BS